Thursday, January 31, 2013

Personal Trip to Ecuador

Things have been a little hectic since the last time I posted. I just got back from a personal trip to Ecuador and a business trip to Switzerland. Now just trying to get over jet lag before heading back out.

I wanted to share with you some of the images that I shot over in Ecuador. South America and especially Ecuador are special places for me. The topography, climate, and the people make it a great place to visit and photograph. Also my wife's family is from there and she (and my son) speak fluent Spanish so that helps. We decided to take the trip this winter (which is their spring) to coincide with a milestone birthday for my wife.

One of the things about shooting in a foreign country and/or a foreign culture is making sure you don't come across looking like you are exploiting the people. Certain cultures are very wary of cameras and really don't like having their picture taken. You need to respect that. A lot of shooting that I did was from the hip. I would prefocus and at the moment of shooting would previsualize the image within the frame. It brought me back to a style of shooting that I used to do back in college.

Here is a sample of some of the images shot there. For a more complete and larger view please visit my website: and click on the Ecuador portfolio. Also I've uploaded some of the work we shot in Alaska that I talked about in the last post. Just click on the Alaska portfolio.

Till next time...

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