Of course everyone heard about the earthquake that hit the East Coast. We were on a job in downtown Baltimore when it hit. I felt NOTHING. I was actually in the mens room washing my hands when the ground shook. I came out and my assistant said "did you feel that". "Feel what" I said wondering what he was talking about. Around that time a door opened up and about six people came running out yelling "get out of the building we just had an earthquake". My first thought was "you have got to be sh#ting me". We walked back the the job site and everyone in there was looking out the window with this nervous look on their faces. My other assistant was there right in the thick of things looking just as nervous. I guess I would be too if I would have felt SOMETHING. It just kind of stinks that we have this natural force of nature that hardly happens here and I miss it being in the bathroom. Anyway here are some out takes from the shoot (no blurriness from the quake).

We have also been busy with higher education work. This specific shot was captured after the jazz class broke up and the student was just playing on his own. It reminded me of a smoky bar in the bayou. The video is just a sample of the sound he was belting out. A better resolution is on vimeo.
Also new stuff uploaded to the website www.peterhoward.com. Check it out.

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